The GDisc is a blending of two separate research projects that occurred independently of one another. The first was the initial development of the Golden Disc archives by Patricia Schermerhorn and included a conceptual overview, very specific information on materials, including electrodynamic principles and subtle relationships governing the function of the disc. The second research thread conducted by Stephen Wade involved the geometric mapping of “zero point” quantum emitter geometry, which ties electrodynamics with platonic geometry to map the emergence structure of a photon. The GDisc is designed to transmute light into concentrated bio-energy fields.


Patricia Schermerhorn
Visionary Healer

The initial vision of the Golden Disc and its potential as a tool for healing lies with Patricia Schermerhorn. Her writings laid out details of the Golden Disc (GDisc) regarding materials, proprietary construction techniques and general concept. True to her inner spirit she has spent much of her life healing and helping others. Her work ethic, management skills and commitment to the greater good has been evident throughout her professional career as owner and manager of 5 retail businesses, including creating the first retail women’s online site.

Patricia’s access to her inherent spiritual nature awakened at an early age. Called from within her relationship with the divine, she engaged opportunities for a meta-physical education with awe and unwavering curiosity.

Patricia worked with and studied the theoretical teachings of mathematicians, physicists and scientists, including alumni from Stanford University and University of California – Berkeley. Decades of investigation into divination practices have resulted in an esoteric tool-kit that included knowledge of numerology, eastern and western astrology, tarot, the I-Ching and sacred geometry, and, more recently, the Gene Keys and Human Design.

Patricia’s strengths include a vision of Oneness that permeates the universe and offers unity for the human experience. Her innovative vision has found its integration and apogee in healing consciousness and somatic dysfunctions through the GDisc Technology.

Patricia met Stephen as an electrical engineer with a research focus on quantum mechanics. He has thrived as an entrepreneur, and licensed electrician while conducting independent scholarships on the laws, properties and models of light.

As destiny would have it, one day at Patricia’s home Stephen noticed an untitled binder on her bookshelf and he felt a strong pull to open it. He was immediately surprised to find images and ideas serendipitously reminiscent of his work on the mechanics of light. These were Patricia’s original notes on the Golden Disc.

They soon realized that the two research threads, when combined, provided the information necessary to develop the theoretical GDisc prototype described in this proposal. As more details of the GDisc emerged they determined the GDisc has a destiny of its own which caused them to feel a strong sense of stewardship over this project.

With funding support, Stephen is eager to merge lab results with the theoretical frame work for an outcome of technology that can enormously impact collective public health; and to unravel the powerful potential of the Golden Disc Technology.

Stephen C. Wade
Systems Operations Engineer/
Quantum Research

Over the years Stephen has held many professional positions all involving the assurance of public safety through the proper understanding and operation of a myriad of mechanical systems. Whether sailing the deep ocean or working in the Rocky Mountains the proper execution of his responsibilities has always depended on an intimate understanding of the interplay of mechanical and electrical systems. In addition, Stephen has spent years personally studying natural physics, eventually focusing on the structural mechanics of light and DNA.

Stephen’s background in systems analysis and computer modeling techniques eventually led to an intimate understanding of the mechanics of DNA, the heart of the Golden Disc.

On the surface this body of work might seem intimidating, yet, once examined slowly and logically it reveals the intelligent nature of reality, which is both profound and liberating. Having had the luxury of teaching high school students this body of work and observing their reactions, I can attest to its ability to transform an individual, view of their world and therefore reality.

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